Written 1/22/24

December 22, 2023, marked another MS anniversary making that year 6. I meant to write a blog post around that time, but I was working hard to be present and a part of the holiday season. It was filled with lots of memories, peace and joy last year which was nice to have. I did end up going to Bend, OR to visit my MS specialist on the 20th of December for my 6 months follow up appointment. I rocked this physical exam this round. The last time I went my tests were on the lower end of the requirements but this round my hand strength was stronger, walking time faster and using my Xtern AFO brace allowed me to jump without a spasm. I also walked out of the doctor's office with my head up high because I did not have to schedule an MRI. My last MRI showed stable results which put me in the group of individuals who only have an MRI every 2-3 years. Ever since I was diagnosed it was once a year. It was nice to hear that I can go a couple of years as long as there are not any new symptoms that we should be concerned about.
December 7,2023, I got to take my Xtern AFO brace for its first official test. I ran in our local 1-mile event the day of our holiday parade. I was very nervous because I had been running since I got the brace but only in small spurts of 1/2 mile. I never really ran a consistent 1 mile. To add to the stress, it happened to be one of the worst days for ice on the roads. People literally were pretending to ice skate. My husband (my biggest supporter) ran with me. We found the areas with small patches of white snow and jogged at a slow pace. It wasn't mindset that was worry some just the idea of falling and my leg being locked with the brace. Just under 13 minutes I finished the race. It wasn't the fastest, but I made it to the finish line. I did end up having some spasming and leg locking up, but I made sure to keep walking and moving even if it was very slow. That night was pretty rough with pain levels and tonic spasms, but I honestly can say it was worth it. It was refreshing to know that I can still run at an event. I can still participate in activities.

2024 is the year that I will regain my strength, be motivated and proactive about my health. My husband and I have signed up for a gym membership. With the help of my brace, I have been able to walk in the gym with confidence and knowing that anything done by another person can be done by me too. There are a few things that I am still working on that unfortunately my body instantly tell me no with. I will find a way. I have been able to walk on a treadmill, row, use a recumbent station bike, and lift some weights with a few adjustments to my footing. I find it to be a great feeling of accomplishment. I hope that I can maintain this momentum. 3x a week is all that I am asking my body to do and then work from there. I can honestly say there are some days where it is tough, and my legs feel weak. It's learning to listen to the body and adjust accordingly. I am feeling stronger every day. Unfortunately, dance has not been as successful with the newest challenges, but I am finding out that I have other outlets to help me breakdown the walls that I keep running into.

We are quickly coming up to another round of my infusion. It feels like it was just last month. My next scheduled date is March 14, 2024. I will also be meeting with my PT in the area for a follow up appointment which I am excited to see what we can come up with. Hopefully something else that will challenge me. I think that we have a strong enough game plan for infusion day now. This will finish year 2 of being on Ocrevus. It is crazy to think that I have been on it for that long. I will have my head in the game and ready to win. Until then, I am going to minimize my energy levels and continue to push through these next few weeks. Energy levels are low, and I am not feeling 100% at this time. I recently have been comparing my symptoms now to what happened a month before my last infusion. They are very similar. I am using my knowledge and wisdom to overcome these moments. I am ready to keep challenging myself and find other hobbies.
I chose to NOT GIVE UP!
I will continue to GROW!
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