A Day Within My Mind...

 Written: 02/10/2022

Just a day within the mind (thoughts) of the Inevitable MS Defyer... 

As I was brushing my teeth and trying my hardest to not recognize the pain in my legs, I started to think what it would be like if we all came with a manual. My husband is a mechanic, and he talks a lot about fixing things and their recent conversation was about a jeep that a friend had. A thought came across my mind, how convenient would it be to have a manual or book for Renita 101 that I could just open and solve the problem on my own. To just have a guided plan and know that things will be okay if you follow this specific path. What do you think? 

My nerves and anxiety are a little high as I prepare for my first Ocrevus infusion (2/24/22) and not knowing what will happen. It would be nice to be assured that this will fix my pain and continue to slow down the progression of my MS. None of us know what the future holds and this next step in my MS journey has all of us on our toes. The next few weeks I will be working hard to stay hydrated, stay healthy. prepare a bag of goodies for my 4-5 hour stay at the infusion center as well as make sure that my son has activities available for when his dad watches over him. 

Behind every mask there is a face and behind that is a story. - Marty Rubin


Many conversations with my fellow MS warriors involve the topic of wearing masks. I am not talking about wearing masks like we have been acquainted with during the pandemic. I am talking about how we as individuals with a chronic disease have different versions of ourselves to hide the true identity of our disease. 

We watch many movies that have a masquerade ball where the main character shows up wearing a mask, but no one is able to identify who that person is. The plot thickens as the other characters work hard to try and identify the mysterious individual. Only a few individuals that are close to the main character know what is going on. This is the world that I live in, and many others can relate. 

My house is my safe place, and it is where we have worked hard to make a calm space with little to no drama. Inside the house walls is where I am the truest individual and nothing is hidden. I break down and cry. I let go and feel the pain that I try to hide. I know that I can walk, crawl or be lazy without the fear of someone watching me struggle with pain. This mask is the most vulnerable. It is my least favorite and sometimes I wish that my husband didn't have to see it as often as he does. 

Once I walk outside my house my mask of pride and courage is placed upon my face. This mask is used to hide and cover the pain. You may be asking why to hide? Everyone has some kind of challenge going on in their life but that doesn't stop them from being able to live life. My biggest fear is letting people down. Our masks can change according to each situation. It depends on where our comfort levels are. We try hard to be 100% attentive to a situation but in reality, we are sitting at 50% bobbing up and down for the other 50. The energy it takes to try and explain something can be too much for some. 

We don't use our different masks as a way to be secretive from others. It is more of us protecting those around us. Individuals with a chronic disease are trying to make ends meet so they can get some joy out of their current situation. When I was first diagnosed, I wore a mask that I am pretty sure became a solid piece of who I have become today. Courageous. Once you are diagnosed you have to grow and learn to be brave as you learn that your life will welcome multiple tests and possibly medications in order to balance your life out. I had to be brave enough to tell every single person that I have MS. It is nothing to be ashamed of and will be a part of who I am. The masks we chose in specific moments are masks that we feel most comfortable with at that time. 

Take a moment and look around at those you see on a daily basis. Do you put on a mask? If so, how does to affect those around you? You don't have to have a chronic disease or something going on to be the mysterious individual in the party. Just be you. 

Life is GREAT!
Every day is a BLESSING!
I chose to NOT GIVE UP!
I will continue to GROW!



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