Written June 28, 2018

Who would have known that 6 months after my diagnosis of MS, I would be back on-stage dancing and living my life somewhat close to what it used to be? I definitely did not see myself where I am now. I was pretty sure that December 22, 2017, was the day that would alter my lifestyle so much that I would not be a happy camper. I still to this day love the days that I can get up, accomplish daily tasks and be treated as a normal individual and not through my diagnosis. Some days I totally forget myself until I get a pain somewhere which then reminds me that I still have challenges. I went to my 6-month dental checkup this week and had to tell my dentist what is going on. The dental assistant says, " You are too young" and my dentist says, " I am worried about you". Those words never get old, sometimes they hit me like a ton of bricks, but I cannot let them affect me. I am strong and will continue to fight so no worries. I will be back in 6 months for my follow-up with a smile on my face and even better than I am now.
In the past few months, I have had days where I struggle to get motivated due to pain or just pure tiredness. No matter how I feel I have always found reasons that I am thankful for MS. It has connected me with new friends, old friends and made me realize that I need to be thankful for every moment. I have found 5 reasons so far that are the most important right now. I feel that everyone can be thankful for many of these as well...
1. MS has helped me understand the importance of a healthy eating habit. Not only does it help give me more energy but helps me create a healthier lifestyle.
2. MS has helped me learn how to stress less. There is no reason to dwell on situations that you cannot not help or prevent. You just have to let it be and make the next best decision.
3. MS has been teaching me that I am stronger than I think that I am. I know that I have always been stubborn, but I am able to accomplish and accept things easier. Don't fight so much when it would be easier to go with the flow.
4. Having MS has made me realize how much more important family and friends are. They are always a great support and will be there for you whenever you need them. Everyone has a strength. We all have some type of weakness so we tend to connect with someone that can help you with your weakness.
5. MS has taught me that having butterfingers (dropping stuff) every once in a while, can be helpful when it comes to getting rid of stuff that you didn't need in the first place.
My appreciation for SO many other things continue to grow. I am an individual striving to make the best of this long road ahead of me.
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