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Keeping My Symptoms In Check...

 Written: 11/01/24 It has been a minute since my last blog update. I had a few months where things were a bit challenging. Then my 6-month infusion was due so I began to isolate myself to ensure that I could stay healthy and strong during recovery time. It often feels like Groundhogs Day because according to my symptom tracker I have flare ups at specific times of the year. If only I could narrow down what triggers them.  In June 2024 my tonic spasms were elevated and pretty consistent to a point where I could not walk without wearing my Xtern brace or using my cane. Short walks were enough to make me extremely tired. I went about an entire month with the spasm hoping that my brace would be a savior. Unfortunately, my leg began to fight against the brace so at my 6-month MS follow up we talked about other options. I was no longer a candidate for Botox shots because my spasms do not show a target area due to it being the entire leg now. After talking with my specialist, we deci...

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